MackinVIA Password and Admin Settings

MackinVIA Password and Admin Settings

Password – We’ve enhanced MackinVIA to allow Backpack users to reset forgotten passwords. Please note: This is only available to schools that are not integrated with external authentication such as Destiny, Google or SAML, etc.

Here is the process:

  1. User selects their school on
  2. If the school is NOT using external authentication, a “Forgot password?” link appears
  3. User clicks/taps the link to open an email address field
  4. User enters an email address in a valid format
  5. If the email address is in our system, a Password Reset email is sent. Users will see a notation that if they do not receive an email, they should contact their MackinVIA Administrator for assistance.
  6. User opens the email and clicks/taps the “Reset Your Password” button (only good for 20 minutes)
  7. A form opens on MackinVIA to enter a new password
  8. User clicks/taps the “Log In” button to sign in with the new password

MackinVIA Admin

General Settings – The General Settings page has been updated with mostly cosmetic updates. The functionality is identical to the old site with the following exceptions:

  • Resource totals have been removed from the Information panel since totals are displayed on the Resources pages as well as the Dashboard