Wednesday, August 23rd, 1:00pm CDT
Join host, author, and educator Pernille Ripp as she talks to David A. Robertson, bestselling author of children’s books like On the Trapline, The Song That Called Them Home, and his popular Misewa Saga novels. They discuss how his novels combine traditional European fantasy with Cree folklore, the importance of writing Indigenous and Native American heroes and epics, and how his new editorial imprint at Penguin Random House Canada will create opportunities for emerging Indigenous and Native American talent across all categories of children’s books. Participants will be invited to join the conversation and ask the authors questions.
A Certificate of Attendance will be issued to those who attend this webinar. A recording will be posted to for those who cannot participate in the live session.
David A. Robertson
David A. Robertson is the author of numerous books for young readers, including Governor General’s Literary Award winners When We Were Alone and On the Trapline (which also won the TD Canadian Children’s Literature Award). The Barren Grounds, the first book in the middle grade Misewa Saga series, was a Kirkus and Quill & Quire best middle grade book of 2020, as well as a USBBY and Texas Lone Star selection. The second book in the series, The Great Bear, was removed from Durham District School Board libraries in 2022. David was recently announced as editorial director of a forthcoming imprint of Tundra Books dedicated to publishing Indigenous writers and illustrators. A sought-after speaker and educator, David is a member of the Norway House Cree Nation and lives in Winnipeg. His newest picture book, illustrated by Maya McKibbin, is The Song That Called Them Home. The fourth book in The Misewa Saga, The Portal Keeper, is out this October.
Pernille Ripp
Author & Educator
Since Pernille Ripp was a child growing up in Denmark, she knew she wanted to work with kids. She has loved being a fourth-, fifth-, and then seventh-grade teacher in the American public school system, as well as an educational coach for adults. In her co-created teaching spaces, students’ identities are at the center of the explorations that they do, and students are encouraged to think about how they can fight for change. Recently, Pernille moved home to Denmark where she is expanding her knowledge about children’s development and needs through her work in early childhood education.
Kia Heise, Ph.D. – Host
Mackin Learning
Kia Heise holds a doctorate in sociology and taught in Los Angeles and the Twin Cities for several years before joining Mackin Learning. Her approach is informed by thousands of hours learning how to navigate discussions of social inequality with diverse groups of young people. She is also the author of the Little Sock picture books.