Mackin Educational Resources is a CPS Vendor Partner (vendor number 21757) for library books, eBooks, makerspace products, and professional learning. We are excited to partner with you, as we are supplying the print and digital titles for Skyline ELA Curriculum.
The Comprehensive Skyline Required Text/Materials List is a spreadsheet created by CPS for Skyline adopting schools. It indicates the intended use and quantity by grade and unit. It has tabs for all Skyline content areas.
Shipments will be made throughout the school year according to the unit start dates. We are also working closely with the CPS Central Office to provide eBooks when and if the print books will not arrive before the unit is scheduled for instruction.
In the ELA Texts (Teacher) tab, the column “Ebook Only” indicates that all Skyline adopting schools received the ebook version of a title. There is no print copy coming for these titles.
The column “Ebook and/or Print” indicates that print is likely on the way, but couldn’t be delivered in time for use for the intended unit. If available, the print title will be delivered at a later date to be used for future instruction. In the case print and digital versions are available, you’re welcome to use either version of the text.
Explore the full list of Student ELA titles by grade level and unit.
Explore the full list of Teacher Kits ELA titles by grade level and unit.
Explore the full list of Recommended ELA titles by grade level and unit.
Explore the full list of Replenishment ELA titles by grade level and unit.
Explore the full list of Foundational Skills titles by grade level and unit.
What was ordered for my school?
You can see what was ordered for you school on this spreadsheet.
- SY24 ELA Student Kits School Distribution (K-8)
- SY24 ELA Student Kits School Distribution (9-12)
- SY24 ELA Teacher Kits School Distribution (PK-8)
- SY24 ELA Teacher Kits School Distribution (9-12)
- SY24 Replenishment ELA Student Kits School Distribution (K-4)
- SY24 Replenishment ELA Student Kits School Distribution (10)
- SY24 New Classroom ELA Teacher Kits School Distribution (3-5)
- SY24 Foundational Skills School Distribution (K-2)
Please email us at skylinesupport@mackin.com or call 1-800-245-9540 for immediate assistance.
When will our school receive the rest of our shipments?
Shipments will be made throughout the school year according to the unit start dates. Books will ship as they are available, so you may receive books from later units early. We are also working closely with the CPS Central Office to provide eBooks when and if the print books will not arrive before the unit is scheduled for instruction.
Please email us at skylinesupport@mackin.com or call 1-800-245-9540 for immediate assistance.
I checked my packing slip, and found that a book was missing or I found a damaged book. What should I do?
Although your shipments go through many checks and balances to prevent errors, it is possible that something unexpected happened. We’ll be happy to check on this for you. Mackin’s trained and dedicated CPS support specialists are ready to assist you with questions you may have. Please email us at skylinesupport@mackin.com or call 1-800-245-9540 for immediate assistance.
- Please have the following information ready for customer service so that we may help you as quickly as possible:
- REFERENCE NUMBER- Located on the packing slip.
- Book Title and ISBN and qty.
We received a print book for a unit we completed teaching with an eBook. What do we do with the print book?
CPS ordered print books for all titles where print was available, however, if the book(s) arrive after the unit they relate to has been completed (this will happen), simply retain the book for next year’s use. Please email us at skylinesupport@mackin.com or call 1-800-245-9540 for immediate assistance.
Our class needs a title for the current unit/module. Is it available in eBook?
We are also working closely with the CPS Central Office to provide eBooks when and if the print books will not arrive before the unit is scheduled for instruction. Please refer to the SY24 Skyline Texts, Materials and Licensed Content spreadsheet for which books will be available in eBook. Please email us at skylinesupport@mackin.com or call 1-800-245-9540 for immediate assistance.