Featured Series


Grumbletroll Series


Grades K-2


No! No! No! The little troll is terribly angry. It’s like there’s a storm inside him, with lightning shooting out of the sky and thunder rumbling loudly. Yes, that’s exactly how he feels: like a rumbling and grumbling troll. A grumbletroll! Eventually his friends get fed up with his yelling and go off to play without him. Will the little troll be able to make up for his bad behavior and win back the favor of his friends? Grumbletroll serves as a model to help children recognize and learn ways to stop fits of rage that we all struggle with when things don’t go our way.

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About Schiffer Kids

Schiffer Kids, an imprint of Schiffer Publishing, mission is to build SEL and STEAM-inspired learning through content that promotes critical thinking, opens up conversations, and ultimately inspire young minds. Their Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) titles explore concepts such as managing emotions, forming positive relationships, and teaching coping skills. Whether it’s early concepts, art education, or the sciences, they believe learning works best when it is fun and engaging. They use principles inspired by Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) to guide the youngest readers to question the world around them.