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The Doll Test: Choosing Equality
Grades 2-5
During the first half of the twentieth century, schoolchildren in many parts of the United States were segregated—Black children and white children could not legally attend the same schools. In their so-called doll test, pioneering Black psychologists Kenneth and Mamie Clark investigated the effects of segregation by presenting children with two Black and two white baby dolls. “Show me the doll that you like best,” they said. “Show me the doll that looks like you.”
Their research showed that segregation harmed Black children. When the Brown v. Board of Education case came along to challenge school segregation, Kenneth Clark testified about the doll test. His testimony was compelling, and in 1954, the U.S. Supreme court ultimately declared school segregation illegal.
Narrated by dolls, this book-length poem by acclaimed author Carole Boston Weatherford introduces Kenneth and Mamie Clark and their powerful research to young readers.

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