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And, Too, the Fox


Grades 1-4


An illustrated children’s book that presents the words of a poem by U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón that follows the actions of a fox as it wanders through its natural and urban surroundings, searching for prey, ignoring its human observers, and living in its own free way.

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Lerner Publishing Group creates the highest-quality nonfiction and fiction content for children and young adults in a variety of subjects and formats. Based in Minneapolis since its founding in 1959, Lerner Publishing Group is one of the nation’s largest independent children’s book publishers with fourteen imprints: Lerner Publications, Millbrook Press, Carolrhoda Books, Twenty-First Century Books, Graphic Universe™, Hungry Tomato™, Darby Creek, Kar-Ben Publishing, Carolrhoda Lab™, LernerClassroom, ediciones Lerner, First Avenue Editions, Lerner Digital™, Zest Books™, as well as Lerner Publisher Services. Lerner Publisher Services sells and distributes high-quality children’s books from renowned publishing partners through all major sales channels. Lerner Publisher Services also provides production and eBook conversion services for publisher clients that help create paperback, hardcover, and electronic books.