Featured Series


Super Senses Assemble!


Grades K-2


Our senses are super, and they make us super too! Readers discover this as they explore colorful and creative volumes that explain each of the five senses using a unique comic-book design. As adorably illustrated young superheroes guide them through fun facts about the senses and examples of them in action, readers strengthen their knowledge of this basic elementary science concept. In addition, the at-level main text, labels for photographs, and helpful glossaries allow for independent reading and vocabulary building. This exciting approach to a familiar topic is sure to appeal to even the most reluctant readers.

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Greenhaven, Lucent, and KidHaven deliver unique perspectives that allow learners in K-12 and beyond access to a multiplicity of viewpoints and a depth of exploration in a wide variety of subject matter. This extensive array of offerings engages, challenges, provokes, inspires, and richly rewards the reader. When students are engaged by what they read and recognize its direct—even urgent—relevance to their lives, their comprehension skills increase as they enthusiastically set out on the road to lifelong reading and learning.