Featured Series
Grades PS-2
Funny illustrated stories engage beginning readers while supporting them with learning resources and bonus features. Fully decodable text features high-frequency words, and words with different sounds combined with selected consonant letters.

2023-2024 Fall/Winter

Grades PreK-9

Grades PreK-3

Phonics and Decodable Readers

Grades PreK-2

Grades K-2

Grades PreK-5

Grades 2-6

Grades 3-9

Grades 3-6

Grades 5-9
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About Crabtree Publishing Company
Crabtree Publishing Company is dedicated to producing high-quality books and educational products for K-9+. Each resource blends accuracy, immediacy, and eye-catching illustrations with the goal of inspiring nothing less than a lifelong interest in reading and learning in children. The company began building its reputation in 1978, as a quality, children’s nonfiction book publisher with acclaimed author Bobbie Kalman’s first series about the early pioneers. The Early Settler Life series became a mainstay in schools as well as historic sites and museums across North America.