The Inside Guide: Women in U.S. History
Grades 5-7
Women have played a pivotal role in American history, from colonial times to today. Many history books gloss over their contributions—or skip them entirely—providing an incomplete account. This significant series shifts the spotlight onto the women of U.S. history. Readers will learn what life was like for women during certain periods, such as the American Revolution and the Industrial Revolution. They’ll learn how women were affected by laws and the culture of the time. They’ll also be introduced to women, both famous and not, who played a part in bringing about lasting change in America.

New 2024 Spring Titles
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About Cavendish Square
Leveraging the magnificent print and digital assets of Marshall Cavendish’s U.S. Library Program, Cavendish Square is proud to announce a robust and diverse list of library-bound circulating nonfiction series and early readers that range in grade level from kindergarten to college. Their highly acclaimed readers are perfect for emergent through fluent grade 2 readers. Their circulating reference and nonfiction series support science, social studies, and health curricula, covering everything from Cultures of the World to It’s My State to the Backyard Safari. Their digital program features more than 750 titles available as eBooks and more than 50 digital databases on our enhanced user-friendly platforms.