Interactive eBooks bring learning to life! Ignite students’, grades 3-8, curiosity with NEW Spotlight On Interactive eBooks—built to support the C3 SS Framework, NGSS, and state standards. With a hands-on approach that inspires active learning, Spotlight On immerses students in science and social studies topics.

One-time purchase
Unlimited access
Free MARC records
Dynamic timelines to understand history in context
Actor-narrated audio supports diverse learning styles
Maps can be enlarged and printed
Primary sources and biographies provide rich historical background
Instructional guides make concepts easy to teach and easy to learn
Google, Microsoft Office 365, Clever, and LMS integration available
Videos take learning to the next level
Closed Captioning

Updated annually. One-time purchase for grades 3-6. In today’s era of online connectivity and social interaction, it’s more important than ever to know how to stay safe when dealing with inidividuals online. This series provides readers with a wealth of knowledge pertaining to this topic, exploring everything from avoiding online predators to stay safe when playing online games. Real-world examples reinforce the books’ lessons, and additional reading sources point readers toward additional learning tools.

Updated annually. One-time purchase for grades 7-12 will simulate a real-life Internet experience within the safety of an instructional, guided, and fun platform. In an era where so much of our communication exists in the online world, it’s sometimes easy for teens to feel invulnerable and forget the risks associated with interacting online. The goal of this series is to create savvy cybercitizens who don’t fear the Internet, but can make informed and sophisticated decisions every time they sign on.
Topics such as cyberbullying, online behavior, safe profiles, digital footprint, privacy, and more
Learning simulations teach the dos and don’ts of chat, email, and social networks
Supports E-Rate and CIPA compliance
Lesson plans, Quick Start Guide, pre- and post-reading assessments, and reproducibles

Rosen Digital’s Interactive eBooks give students a safe place to explore informational text, create their own content, and publish their work. Students can choose to read the book and enjoy the rich media experience or to complete a writing activity as they read the book.

Informational text with rich media and writing activities
Engage all learners with audio narration and text highlighting
Learners can write, share, and print blog posts, wiki pages, and emails
Supports E-Rate and CIPA compliance
Lesson plans, Quick Start Guide, pre- and post-reading assessments, and reproducibles
Students create age-appropriate, professional-looking projects:
Grades K-2
Diamante poem
Book review
Grades 2-3
Blog post
Wiki page
Digital storyboard
Grades 3-6
Social network profile
Web page
Step-by-step prompts guide students in creating their own content based on the information they’ve read. The completed projects can be printed and displayed, posted on a class blog or wiki, or showcased on a library’s website.
Renewal Required
Lifetime Access
Simultaneous Access
Multi-School Discounts
Multi-Year Discounts
Content Correlation
Teacher Resources
Renewal Required: You must renew this subscription every year.
Lifetime Access: You only need to purchase this product one time.
Simultaneous Access: More than one person can use this product at the same time.
Multi-School Incremental Discounts: Discounts available if purchasing for more than one school/location. Contact Mackin for discount information at eservices@mackin.com.
Multi-Year Discounts: Discounts available if purchasing for more than one consecutive year. Contact Mackin for discount information at eservices@mackin.com.
Content Correlation: NF=Nonfiction F=Fiction
PowerKids Press interactive ebooks require Flash Player 10 and the following browsers:
Internet Explorer 7 and higher
Safari 4 and higher
Firefox 3 and higher
Chrome 8 and higher