Literal is a multi-modal reading engagement platform built to entice, motivate, and delight reluctant readers.
Meet the only reading engagement platform with fully integrated text scaffolding. Hundreds of classic and contemporary titles from the world’s best authors. Use it in the classroom or remotely and witness reluctant readers turn into engaged bookworms with Literal.

Literal combines an author’s original content with the latest reading strategies in a fresh, text messaging-like format for reading.
Welcome to Real Textbooks by Literal.
Literal incorporates text chunking, multi-modal learning, and color encoding directly into the presentation of a narrative text.
How it Helps
These supports enhance classroom instruction and aid reading comprehension.

Literal contains a digital library of the world’s best stories, made ready for classroom use.
How it Helps
Ease of discovery and certified Lexile levels make text selection easy and intuitive.
Create reading groups and allow group members to log into the exact same book at the same time, sharing notes and comments.
How it Helps
Observe student reading activity, conversation, and performance in real-time.

Educators and students set reading goals. Readers earn points and badges as they progress through a text.
How it Helps
Motivate, recognize, and reward student effort.
Readers personalize their experience by creating, sharing, and selecting custom profile avatars for the characters in their story.
How it Helps
Entice and delight by adding personalization and self-expression to classroom reading.

Renewal Required
Lifetime Access
Simultaneous Access
Multi-School Discounts
Multi-Year Discounts
Content Correlation
Teacher Resources
Renewal Required: You must renew this subscription every year.
Lifetime Access: You only need to purchase this product one time.
Simultaneous Access: More than one person can use this product at the same time.
Multi-School Incremental Discounts: Discounts available if purchasing for more than one school/location. Contact Mackin for discount information at eservices@mackin.com.
Multi-Year Discounts: Discounts available if purchasing for more than one consecutive year. Contact Mackin for discount information at eservices@mackin.com.
Content Correlation: NF=Nonfiction F=Fiction
Android, iOS, Chromebooks, PC, Mac, Any device with a modern browser. Literal works on the Web and can optionally be downloaded via the Google Play Store, Apple App Store, and the Chromebook App Hub