Lightbox is a student-centered learning experience you can use on any device. Each Lightbox digital title comes packed with unique, fully integrated multimedia features, including embedded videos, slideshows, curated weblinks, contextual key word definitions, and high-quality audio narration. Students can “virtually” visit locations around the world with Google Maps and discover all subjects in depth with layered transparencies of maps, diagrams, charts, and timelines. With Lightbox, you can easily cover curriculum topics in language arts, math, sports, social studies, and science in an engaging, interactive environment!

Embedded high-definition video clips
Curated links to external, child-safe resources
Printable PDFs that can be emailed and graded
High-quality narration using a text-to-speech system
Pictorial overviews of key concepts
Step-by-step layering of maps, diagrams, charts, and timelines
Multiple choice questions that are automatically graded and emailed for teacher assessment
Matching key concepts to their definitions
Interactive maps and aerial satellite imagery
Grades K-2: 339 interactive titles with 8,280 pages of content
Grades 3-5: 449 interactive titles with 14,104 pages of content
Grades 6-12: 233 interactive titles with 9,216 pages of content

“I love this product! It allows students to read, be read to, see visual content, learn vocabulary, and view video and live video links to the real world.”
“This book was our favorite! Each page contains icons you can click on and be taken to additional content. Some fun activities included discovering the world of polar bears, multiple interactive worksheets to complete, watching slideshows and videos, and even completing a glacier quiz. The book included hands-on activities to try as well. This is a wonderful addition to your science study! (Lightbox, Glaciers)”
Renewal Required
Lifetime Access
Simultaneous Access
Multi-School Discounts
Multi-Year Discounts
Content Correlation
Teacher Resources
Renewal Required: You must renew this subscription every year.
Lifetime Access: You only need to purchase this product one time.
Simultaneous Access: More than one person can use this product at the same time.
Multi-School Incremental Discounts: Discounts available if purchasing for more than one school/location. Contact Mackin for discount information at eservices@mackin.com.
Multi-Year Discounts: Discounts available if purchasing for more than one consecutive year. Contact Mackin for discount information at eservices@mackin.com.
Content Correlation: NF=Nonfiction F=Fiction
Lightbox will work on and is compatible with the following technologies:
- Desktop computer web browsers and computer operating systems:
- Mac OS X 10.9 or higher.
- Windows 7 or higher.
- Internet Explorer 11 or higher.
- Safari, Firefox, Opera, Chrome and other industry compliant browsers for Windows, Mac OS, Linux or Unix.
- Apple iPad® iOS and Safari Mobile Web Browser.
- Android OS 4.1 (Jelly Bean) and higher tablets 7 inches or larger that support industry standard HTML and HTML 5.
- Chromebooks and Chrome OS.
- All brands and manufacturers of desktop computers, laptop computers, netbooks, tablets and interactive whiteboards that use the browsers and operating systems listed above.