These databases support a full spectrum of content areas for Social Studies, Science and Biographies for the Upper Elementary to High School student. Through a new and improved interface—updated, more attractive, and easier to use—content is more discoverable and helps to support visual learners. Special features include downloadable images, integrated searching, instant translation into 100+ different languages and more!

New and Improved interface
Share feature
Site optimized for tablets and smartphones
Downloaded images
Supports multiple learning styles
Instant translation into 100+ languages
Advanced search capabilities
Title-specific research tools available in every article
Remote access and unlimited concurrent users
Downloadable promotional materials available
iPad compatible
Extensive photos, charts, diagrams, and timeline
Renewal Required
Lifetime Access
Simultaneous Access
Multi-School Discounts
Multi-Year Discounts
Content Correlation
Teacher Resources
Renewal Required: You must renew this subscription every year.
Lifetime Access: You only need to purchase this product one time.
Simultaneous Access: More than one person can use this product at the same time.
Multi-School Incremental Discounts: Discounts available if purchasing for more than one school/location. Contact Mackin for discount information at eservices@mackin.com.
Multi-Year Discounts: Discounts available if purchasing for more than one consecutive year. Contact Mackin for discount information at eservices@mackin.com.
Content Correlation: NF=Nonfiction F=Fiction
The following browsers are supported:
The following browsers are compatible:
Internet Explorer 8 and higher (Internet Explorer 9 or higher is recommended)
Safari 4 and higher
Firefox 3 and higher
Chrome 8 and higher
iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, and netbook compatible
Text to Speech
For computers, Flash 8 and higher is required for text-to-speech. If Flash is not present, an mp3 file of the audio can be downloaded. iOS devices (iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch) will do text-to-speech using an HTML5 player.