ABC-CLIO’s research and curriculum databases offer versatile solutions for today’s social studies
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primary sources, our databases reinforce core curriculum while providing a flexible platform for
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American Government connects the foundations and structure of U.S. government to ongoing civic and political debates, allowing students to draw connections between past events and modern-day issues.
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- More than 8,000 primary sources including speeches, illustrations, photographs, founding documents, and archival audio and video footage
- Hundreds of political and court documents, including full text of landmark Supreme Court cases from Dred Scott v. Sandford to Obergefell v. Hodges
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American History offers students and educators of U.S. history unparalleled coverage of the nation’s founding and development, allowing students to draw connections between the past and present and deepen their understanding of the history and legacy of the modern United States.
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- More than 12,000 primary sources including letters, photographs, political documents, newspaper clippings, archival video footage, and influential quotes and speeches
- Student inquiry activities centering enduring historical questions, from the causes of the American Revolution to the legacy of the civil rights movement
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The African American Experience brings voice and context to the lived experiences of African Americans in U.S. history. Expertly curated primary and secondary sources illustrate diverse threads of African American social, political, and cultural history.
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- More than 8,000 articles, biographies, primary source documents, and media entries
- Diverse coverage of African American contributions in the fields of politics, business, social and applied sciences, arts and entertainment, and social activism
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Centering American Indian voices and perspectives, The American Indian Experience engages students with the historical experiences and contemporary practices of more than 150 Native American tribes across North America.
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- Dedicated investigations of time periods, from Indigenous American civilizations to modern native nations, prepare students to deepen their understanding of multiple dimensions of American Indian history and culture
- More than 2,000 primary sources including photographs, speeches, letters, maps, treaties, and cultural documents
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The first learning resource of its kind, The Asian American Experience offers dedicated coverage of the social, political, and economic forces that have shaped the experiences of Asian Americans through history and into the 21st century.
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- More than 2,000 primary sources including images, audio clips, documents, and video, covering multiple dimensions of Asian American history and culture
- Inclusive coverage of diverse ethnic and cultural groups, including Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islander and Indigenous groups
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The Latino American Experience illuminates the rich heritage and culture of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Guatemalan, Cuban, Dominican, Colombian, Ecuadorian, and other Latino groups in the United States.
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- More than 2,500 primary sources including photos and illustrations, audio, video, letters and narratives, and political and cultural documents
- Full coverage of current events and issues defining the modern Latino American experience, such as immigration reform, media portrayals, and voting access
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Exploring the daily lives of ordinary people through time, Daily Life through History offers a fresh approach to core curriculum topics and engages students’ interest across multiple dimensions of history and culture.
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- More than 5,000 primary source records including images, artifacts, and cultural documents, illustrating multiple dimensions of daily life and culture
- In-depth explorations of cultural subtopics including work, food, clothing, sports, language, literature, education, gender roles, social customs, and more
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Health and Wellness Issues: Understanding Science, Society and Yourself dives deep into today’s top health-related issues, exploring their historical contexts, current complexities, impacts on physical and mental well-being, and global reach.
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- Full coverage of more than 60 health topics with expert commentary on each issue’s background, current view and outlook, global perspectives, and impacts on health
- Detailed explorations of body systems with accompanying diagrams and glossary terms supporting studies in human health and biology
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Issues: Understanding Controversy & Society prepares students to think critically about the most compelling issues driving debates in our society today, diving deep into each issue’s historical background, contemporary status, and global perspectives.
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- Full coverage of more than 160 issues across a diverse range of policy domains including crime, education, energy, gender, medicine, race, religion, technology, and warfare
- More than 8,000 primary sources illustrate the complexity of modern-day issues through photographs, speeches, court documents, and audio and video footage
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A unique learning resource and essential companion for coursework in world history, Modern Genocide: Understanding Causes and Consequences dedicates itself to the understanding of a topic humanity cannot afford to ignore.
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- Sensitive coverage of 10 modern genocides beginning with the Herero Genocide (1904–1907) and continuing to the Darfur Genocide (2003–present)
- Expert overviews of the causes, consequences, perpetrators, victims, bystanders, and international reactions to each genocide
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Pop Culture Universe: Icons, Idols, Ideas examines U.S. history through developments in art, literature, clothing, fashion, food, film, music, sports, technology, and travel—all what students find interesting about today’s culture, in the context of America’s past.
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- More than 4,000 images, audio clips, and archival videos bring life and color to each decade of American history, supporting engaged student learning
- In-depth explorations of cultural subtopics including arts and literature, sports and recreation, communications and technology, and domestic family life
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United States Geography combines in-depth profiles of all 50 states with regional context to help students deepen their understanding of the interconnected nature of people, places, landforms, and climate.
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- Complete profiles of all 50 states including natural resources and ecosystems; economies, industries, and labor; government and politics; state histories; and contemporary issues
- Explorations of geography concepts including mapping and technology, regional geography, physical geography, human geography, and environmental geography
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Women’s History in the United States provides a thorough examination of women’s contributions, perspectives, and challenges from precontact times to the present. The inclusion of lesson plans and other educator resources makes this database an invaluable asset for history and social studies classrooms.
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- Comprehensive coverage of key figures, social and political movements, pivotal events, organizations, and other crucial aspects that shape the diverse narratives of women in America
- A vast library of primary sources including letters, photographs, documents, newspaper clippings, archival video footage, and influential quotes and speeches
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World at War: Understanding Conflict and Society takes an in-depth look at 50 conflicts across space and time, guiding students to think critically about the enduring causes and consequences of conflict in society.
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- More than 9,000 primary source records allow for the study of warfare through media coverage, political manifestos and speeches, government propaganda, and the experiences of civilians and combatants
- Emphasis on understanding the causes and consequences of warfare highlights the importance of ideologies, movements, and leaders in driving historical conflicts
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Ideal for developing students’ global literacy, World Geography: Understanding a Changing World investigates the geographic, political, social, economic, and cultural forces shaping the modern world.
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- Full coverage of geography concepts, world regions, and nations supporting core geography standards
- Nation-by-nation overviews of landforms, climate, and natural resources; traditions, holidays, and landmarks; government and politics; national histories; and contemporary issues
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World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras presents a fascinating survey of the civilizations, dynasties, and empires of the ancient and medieval worlds, allowing students to expand their understanding of the present in the context of the distant past.
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- Dedicated coverage of each chapter of ancient and medieval history through the lenses of culture, politics, religion, technology, and conflict
- More than 5,000 primary source records including photographs of ancient sites and artifacts, cultural and political documents, and letters and narratives
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World History: The Modern Era brings the past six centuries of human history to life, taking students on a journey through the events, movements, and turning points that have shaped the modern world.
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- Expert coverage of core curriculum topics, from the ideas of the Enlightenment to the Industrial Revolution, 20th century warfare, and the rise of a globalized world
- More than 8,000 primary sources including photos and illustrations, memoirs and narratives, cultural and political documents, archival video footage, and iconic speeches
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World Religions: Belief, Culture, and Controversy surveys the origins and development of more than 50 religions practiced throughout history and around the world, emphasizing the enduring role of belief systems in human societies.
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- Inclusive coverage of belief systems including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Shinto, and other traditional belief systems; new religions; and unbelief
- Searchable by faith, denomination, country, and time period to support the study of faith in the context of geography, history, and culture
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