Lavinia Group

Mackin Classroom Services is a proud partner of Lavinia Group, and we are here to support schools implementing Lavinia Group curriculum.

The Lavinia Group approach is firmly anchored in intellectual preparation, meaningful mindset, rigorous practice, and world-class multicultural literature.

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RedThread™ Knowledge

RedThread™ Knowledge is Lavinia Group’s multicultural, project-based, and integrated reading, writing, and social studies curriculum.

This title list includes read aloud, partner reading, and core texts, which students will read and engage with throughout the RedThread™ Knowledge curriculum.

Insight Humanities™

Insight Humanities™ is Lavinia Group’s multicultural, project-based, and integrated reading, writing, and social studies curriculum for Kindergarten through Grade 5 students.

This title list includes read aloud, Shared Content Reading™, and independent reading texts, which students will read and engage with throughout the Insight Humanities™ curriculum.

Insight Social Studies Content Boosters™

Insight Social Studies Content Boosters™ are designed to enhance the core Insight Social Studies™ units. This curriculum focuses on investigations of geography, civics, economics, and source analysis.

Insight Middle Courses™

Insight Middle Courses™ is Lavinia Group’s middle school literacy curriculum, teaching content through a global, thematic, and project-based approach. Rooted in the science of reading, students develop content knowledge as they engage with diverse and rigorous texts, themes, and topics, develop complex speaking and listening skills through regular opportunities for discourse, craft writing that is grounded in the reading work of each course, and learn foundational language skills that build their sophistication as readers, writers, and thinkers.

This title list includes core texts, read alouds, and independent reading texts, which may also be referenced during reading, writing, and project work.

Guided Reading for Meaning™

The purpose of Guided Reading for Meaning™ is to rapidly improve students’ reading skills and deepen their comprehension—all while cultivating a love of reading.

This Guided Reading for Meaning™ book list includes leveled book titles that have been carefully selected to capture students’ interest and prompt rich discussions.

Lavinia Group advises ordering enough copies of each title so every student in a Guided Reading group (generally 6-8 students) can have access to the text. Guided Reading books should be kept separate from general classroom libraries to ensure that the title sets stay together and that teachers always have access to enough books for their Guided Reading groups.

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RISE Summer School Program

Lavinia Group’s RISE Summer School Program is grounded in highly engaging, multicultural literature by award-winning and prolific authors. Students will read, analyze, discuss, and write about these world-class texts, which will rapidly develop their critical-thinking skills, passion for reading, and ability to analyze any text with confidence and precision.

This title list includes read aloud and novel study texts. Review the RISE Book List Ordering Guidance before placing a book order.