Book Label Request

Fill out this form according to the details relevant to your needs and click submit. Only items with a red asterisk are required. A member of our Classroom Services team will be in contact with you shortly to follow up on your request.

1 Step 1
Do you require a standard reading level label?
Reading Level LabelsClassroom/bookroom materials can receive one free standard reading level label if leveling information is available. If you would like this option, choose your label.

Do you require custom book labels?Additional charges will apply

Custom Book Labels

To meet the unique needs of every classroom/bookroom, custom book labels are available for an additional charge. Choose your option(s) below:

Have you received these labels before?

New Custom Book Label Request

There will be a 20¢ charge per label per book.

Property Labels
Custom Identifier Label
Label Protectors

Property Labels

Property Labels

Custom Identifier Label

Select the information you would like to feed to each line of your custom label:

Enter the text exactly as it should feed to the labels:

Note: If feeding from multiple options, put a comma between each option. For example: “Class A, Class B, Class C”.


Has your schools received these barcodes from Mackin before?

Other Option

Barcode and Software

Label Protectors

Barcodes and spine labels are covered by clear label protectors. All other book labels do not receive label protectors. Would you like to pay an additional 20¢ per label for clear label protectors on additional labels?
Do you require colored label protectors?Note: Additional charges will apply.

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