Mackin Classics

Over 1,300 Classic eBooks

The easiest, most economical way to build a quality digital library is with Mackin Classics. There are 20 distinct categories to satisfy every student, teacher, and curriculum. We’ve even created economical multi-user packages making it the ideal way to build a high-quality digital library, fast!

Single-User, Perpetual


Multi-User, 1-Year


Multi-User, Perpetual


Browse Mackin Classic Genres

American History
Drama / Plays
Fantasy / Utopia
Historical Fiction
Fairytales / Folklore / Fables
Mystery / Crime / Horror
Romantic Fiction
School / Friends
Science Fiction
Slave Narratives
Story Collection
World History

All of Mackin’s recommended book lists are prepared by our in-house librarians and educators, who are dedicated to providing the very best selections available based on the parameters provided by the organizations, librarians, and teachers requesting the title lists. Please understand, however, that all titles provided on our requested or standing lists are options for the purchaser to consider and are not guaranteed to fulfill the exact needs or requirements of every school, classroom, or library. We understand and respect that the purchaser will make the final selections most appropriate for their students. Mackin does not serve as the decision-maker or the authority regarding the titles that should or should not be purchased for any school, library, or classroom.