
Unique Content on Culture, Countries and Travel From Around the World

Try or Order CountryReports Today!

Established in 1997 and entirely online, CountryReports offers more than 35,000 pages of unique, culturally rich content on the countries of the world. Its cultural, historical and statistical information has proven to be valuable to students, parents, teachers and researchers alike. Explore customs and cultures, photos, history, geography, national symbols, economy, population demographics, government, and current events for each country.

CountryReports Features

Customizable graphs, create, save and download
Use at school or at home
iPad and MackinVIA compatible
Teacher resources
Environmental issues
Videos that demonstrate culture and life in a country
Ad-free environment
Country comparisons
Crime information
New interactive country maps and capital city maps
Weather and climate
Health and medical information
National defense

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CountryReports Includes

United States Edition

In-depth profiles of each state written to address the curriculum needs of K-12 schools. Students will find the information helpful as they seek to learn more about the United States.

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Licensing and Access

Renewal Required

Lifetime Access

Simultaneous Access

Multi-School Discounts

Multi-Year Discounts

Content Correlation


Teacher Resources

Renewal Required: You must renew this subscription every year.
Lifetime Access: You only need to purchase this product one time.
Simultaneous Access: More than one person can use this product at the same time.
Multi-School Incremental Discounts: Discounts available if purchasing for more than one school/location. Contact Mackin for discount information at
Multi-Year Discounts: Discounts available if purchasing for more than one consecutive year. Contact Mackin for discount information at
Content Correlation: NF=Nonfiction F=Fiction