Order Gareth Stevens Interactive eBooks

Innovative interactive eBooks provide a safe place for students to explore and create.

Gareth Stevens’ Interactive eBooks give students a safe place to read informational text, write their own content, and publish their work. Students can choose to read the book and enjoy the rich media experience or to complete a writing activity as they read the book.

Read the Book

Leveled Content
At a range of reading complexities across multiple Lexiles and Guided Reading levels
Navigation Tool Bar
Audio narration, text highlighting by word or sentence, and automatic or manual page turn
Rich Media Hotspots
Provide 20+ additional resources with videos, photos, charts, graphs, and maps
MARC Records
For easy access

Read the Book and Do the Activities

Students create age-appropriate, professional-looking projects:

Grades K-2
Diamante Poem, Postcard, Book Review
Grades 2-3
Blog Post, Wiki Page, Digital Storyboard
Grades 3-6
Email, Social Network Profile, Web Page

View Sample Interactive eBook Demos

Inclined Planes
(Grades K-2

(Grades 2-3)

Life on a Submarine
(Grades 4-6)

Students Learn To:

  • Read a range of reading complexities across multiple Lexiles and Guided Reading levels
  • Create their own content using copyright-friendly media
  • Write to express an opinion, to narrate, to inform, and to explain
  • Cite their sources
  • Publish their professional-looking projects
  • Collaborate with peers and work independently

Order Gareth Stevens Interactive eBooks

Licensing and Access

Renewal Required

Lifetime Access

Simultaneous Access

Multi-School Discounts

Multi-Year Discounts

Content Correlation


Teacher Resources

Renewal Required: You must renew this subscription every year.
Lifetime Access: You only need to purchase this product one time.
Simultaneous Access: More than one person can use this product at the same time.
Multi-School Incremental Discounts: Discounts available if purchasing for more than one school/location. Contact Mackin for discount information at eservices@mackin.com.
Multi-Year Discounts: Discounts available if purchasing for more than one consecutive year. Contact Mackin for discount information at eservices@mackin.com.
Content Correlation: NF=Nonfiction F=Fiction

Gareth Stevens Interactive eBooks require Flash Player 10 and the following browsers:
Internet Explorer 7 and higher
Safari 4 and higher
Firefox 3 and higher
Chrome 8 and higher