Featured Series
Grades 2-5
Technology is part of our everyday lives, and it is important to be mindful of how we use and interact with it. With its reader-friendly, social and emotional (SEL) approach, Digital Wellness helps readers develop and improve healthy technology habits in a world of social media and misinformation. Each title illustrates specific examples to show readers how to interact mindfully with tech and strengthen their digital literacy. Titles also showcase dangers of technology, such as phishing, plagiarism, and AI concerns. Try This! and Grow with Goals activities in each title help readers actively reflect on the subject matter and set their own goals to promote growth mindset. Each title includes sidebars, tips for educators and caregivers, a table of contents, glossary, and index.

New Spring 2025 Titles
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About Jump!
Jump! is dedicated to improving literacy and enriching children’s lives. They strive to accomplish this by publishing great content that makes reading fun, inspires curiosity about the world, and ultimately leads to a lifetime of learning. Children open books in hopes of seeing their own lives, interests, and experiences within the pages. It is this perspective that drives every choice they make when creating their books. Jump! strives for diversity and inclusion, showing people in their books at every age, from all ethnicities, and with varying abilities. In addition, they take great care to avoid showing children and adults in stereotypical gender roles. These efforts help ensure their readers see themselves and others as equal members of their communities.